World shook background of [Continuous suicide bombings]

If Ne lose hotbed of IS leaders died terrorism

World shook background of [Continuous suicide bombings] If Ne lose hotbed of IS leaders died terrorism [World became a lot safer. Trump President to self-praise, but it is too exaggerated. The US government, supreme leader of the extremist organization [Islamic State] (IS) has announced that it has died. US military that was suicide was raided a hideout in the Middle East of Syria. It IS temporary, dominated the wide area across to Syria and Iraq. Based on the specific religious interpretation, or the infidels to slavery, it was or beheaded foreigners. The cruelty is not wiped from memory even now. In offensive by air strikes and local troops that the United States and Russia has led, in recent years it has lost almost a controlling land. Death of leaders, will effect impress the decline of once again IS. However, even disappear one the leaders of the organization, extremism is not lost. The reality has not changed even soil that produces terrorism, the United States is also the international community Mai made lose sight. IS is the birth background, there is an Iraq war of the United States began 00 years.
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