World shook background of [Continuous suicide bombings]

America's largest ally in the next target Middle East

World shook background of [Continuous suicide bombings] America's largest ally in the next target Middle East Western, or especially the US Why did Uttede military attack on the [Islamic State] Recently, the opportunity to hear the name of [the Islamic countries] in Japan are now many. The Islamic countries, is a group of terrorism across the Middle East of Syria and Iraq, and is the nation. Beyond the scope of traditional nation-state, Jihadizumu in the Middle East, ie, it is Let's make the Islamic community with the terrorism means under the pretext of Islamic Jihad. But we have the claims as such they are the subjective, the fact distortion exceedingly, and, even if it sees the Islamic, it is the fact that some part is a group of very extremely exaggerated crime, recently it has become more and more revealing. Against these Islamic countries, President Obama, under the cooperation with Europe also, while seeking Russian understanding, systematically and to take away the power of the Islamic countries, Syria and Iraq that they are dominated now it will reduce the region, and in the end, has declared that the break a population of terrorism that such Islamic countries.
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